What Are You Waiting For?

I very often hear this from people…
I love being retired. I do what I love every day.
What if you could do what you love every day now?
What would that mean to you?
Are you willing to step out of your comfort zone to make it happen?
Vibrant Living Tip
Pick one area of your life that you would like to change. Ask yourself – what would I love? Really answer that question with all 5 senses. Take time with this. Visualize living it.
Look at what you wrote and ask – what is keeping me from getting there? Be honest.
Now step out of your comfort zone. You can do this figuratively, in your head. Or actually get up and move to a different place in the room. Then ask – if this (what you wrote above) was not an issue, concern, whatever you may call it, what could I do to move in the direction?
Once you have an answer – make a commitment and do it!
Vibrant Living Take Away
What seems scary may be just what you need to move your energy and live your dream. Just do it!
Until next time...
Dream Bravely.
Act Boldly.
Live Vibrantly!
Lynn Tranchell
P.S. I would love to hear how you stepped out of your comfort zone. Comment and let me know.