The Art of Manifestation: It’s Science, Not Magic

You don’t get a choice about whether you are a manifestor. You ARE a manifestor. But most of us manifest by default instead of design.
We tend to think from our patterns. Thought habits, paradigms. The world lives by competition, scarcity, fear, just trying to get by.
Most people don’t know they have a choice.
There is an art & science to manifestation.
Vibrant Business Tip
This first step, the art, is to have a vision.
We want to give the mind a rich, powerful life-giving image to work on that raises from the center of our being a feeling of, “I love my life.”
You want to use your vision statement as a way to help focus your thoughts and action, the science.
The truth is that you can have anything you are willing to BECOME. We become that by living inside our vision, as if it is already so.
Be it until you see it.
It’s how we say yes or no to what we want to do next.
The real power of manifestation lies not just in the image you create, but in the “feeling tone” that image generates; The emotion that is created.
When you become clear about what you want to manifest, doubts will come in. You have to manage that in order to keep doubt & fear from dominating your thoughts. It’s not that you won’t have a thought of fear or doubt, your dominant thought patterns are where the energy goes. The life you are living now is in harmony with the thoughts you are thinking. Think and act from your vision.
You have tremendous power to create what you want when you are focused on it, in harmony with it, and you keep yourself feeding your faith and starving your fear.
Albert Einstein once said, “We cannot solve problems at the same level of thinking that we were at when we created those problems.”
To shift your paradigms, thought habits, to support your vision, you can use my AIRR Method.
Shift your paradigms and take action based on the new, vision supported paradigm.
Vibrant Business Takeaway
The distance between your vision and reality is called action.
Here is a great example of manifestation…
If you have been following me over that last two weeks, you know I was completing my Italy bucket list.
It was all thanks to my client, Gina. She had a vision and she took action for it to became reality.
This is how it all happened.
“I have done several different coaching programs with Lynn but the one that has the most impact was learning the power of Manifestation. In late 2020 I manifested a trip to Italy with positive like mind people. I visualized visiting Venice, Florence, Rome, and Naples. I even printed a picture of a person on a gondola boat in Venice. So, I meet with a travel agent friend of mine in early 2021 to plan my dream vacation.
We started having parties to inviting friends, family members and anyone who may be interested.
Over the last two years I have really gotten know 28 other amazing women I will be traveling together and so excited to experience this adventure with them.
Thank you, Lynn, for making me get out of my comfort zone with not only traveling to a foreign country but also opening my life to meet an amazing group of friends.”
Here’s to manifesting the business and life you love!
Until Next Time…
Dream Bravely
Act Boldly
Live Vibrantly
#success #coach #vision #paradigms #action #goals #workless #earnmore
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