Manifestation: Creating Your Extraordinary Business and Life by Design

When you hear the word "manifestation," do you picture a mystical, magical process only the spiritually advanced can master? If so, it's time to rethink. Manifestation isn't reserved for a select few—it's something we all do every moment of every day. The question isn't whether you're manifesting but rather how and what you're manifesting.

Are you manifesting by default, reacting to your current circumstances?

Or are you manifesting by design, based on your vision and desires?

Vibrant Business Tip

We all have the inherent capacity to bring forth what we choose to do. But too often, we operate on autopilot, letting our learned thought habits and the world around us dictate what we manifest. This is what I call manifesting by default. When you manifest by default, you create more of the same—or sometimes, even worse. You get stuck in a loop, thinking that your circumstances define your reality.

On the other hand, manifesting by design means intentionally creating your life based on your vision and desires. It means asking yourself, "What would I love?" and then aligning your thoughts, feelings, and actions with that vision. When you create from your desire or vision, you step into a vibrant, fun, fulfilling, and extraordinary business and life.

Why You Need to Stop Settling

You might be thinking, "But I already have a good business. I've been doing this from the beginning, and I'm comfortable." Comfort and contentment are wonderful, but they often prevent us from striving for the extraordinary. Sometimes, the thought of living a truly extraordinary life scares us. We've been conditioned to think we don't "deserve" too much good, to stop daydreaming, and to settle for what's practical.

The truth is, we live in an abundant universe. There is no end to what we can manifest if we're willing. It's not about deserving more; it's about recognizing that abundance is your natural state and that you're fully capable of creating it.

Be It Until You See It

One of the most powerful ways to manifest is to have a clear vision of what you would love in your business. But vision alone isn't enough.

You must be that person right now.

Act, think, and make decisions as if your vision has already come true.

Take inspired action every day that aligns with that vision.

Real-Life Manifestation Stories

Manifestation isn't just a theory; it's a practice that yields real, tangible results. For example, my vision board has a section dedicated to travel. Out of the four specific locations I had pictured, I’ve already manifested trips to two of them. Once I manifest one, I replace it with another, keeping my vision dynamic and evolving. Next on the list? Replace Alaska with a new location from my travel bucket list!

Take Gina, another one of my clients, for instance. Gina manifested incredible things, including a dream trip to Italy and doubling her income. How did she do it? She created a clear vision, embodied the person who lives that vision, and took consistent action to support it. In fact, she manifested so much that she had to redo her vision board last week!

Vibrant Business Takeaway

Remember, we are all manifesters. Every thought, every action is a form of creation. The only choice you have is whether you will manifest what you truly desire or shaped by your current circumstances. Choose wisely, because the power is entirely in your hands.

Ready to Manifest Your Next Level?

Are you ready to stop manifesting by default and start creating by design? Ready to experience more fun, fulfillment, and success in your life and business? Join me for my upcoming coaching program, where we'll develop your capacity to manifest what you choose. We'll work together to break free from limiting thought patterns and step into your extraordinary life and business.

Let’s get started!

Book a session with me today, and let’s create the business and life beyond your wildest dreams by clicking the button in the big blue box below.

Until Next Time…

Dream Bravely
Act Boldly
Live Vibrantly


#success #coach #vision #ThoughtHabits #Manifestation #action #goals #BetterResults #LessEffort

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