Just Keep Swinging…

“Every strike brings me closer to the next home run.”
Babe Ruth

The title is a little take off on Dory’s just keep swimming… 😀

Are you willing to strike out on your way to your dream. Do you consider it part of success.

When I was downhill skiing regularly, a friend of mine said that you are not really skiing if you don’t fall down once in a while. It’s the same with life. You’re not really living if you are not risking. If you’re not getting out your comfort zone. You have to be willing to be uncomfortable in the interest of growth. And if you are not growing, you’re not really living…

Where are you playing it safe. Just along for the ride and not stretching and seeing just how far can you go. Are you willing to change that.

Vibrant Living Tip – Everyday this week notice how willing you are to take a risk. If you find yourself hitting your risk barrier, go one step beyond. One step into the risk. One step beyond the terror barrier. See what new opportunities open up for you.

Is fear of failure holding you back? Sign-up for a complimentary Vibrant Living Assessment! This is your time. This is your life. In the session we’ll look at where you are and where you would love to be. You will leave with at least one step to get you there. https://www.lynntranchell.com/assessment

#lifelonglearner #vibrantlivingtip #womenaskingnowwhat #readyforachange #feelinglost #reclaimyourvibrancy #risk #strikeout #success

Live Vibrantly!


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