Is Safety On Your Mind?

During these times, many of us have slipped down Maslow’s hierarchy of needs to a safety state.
Notice if that is how you are feeling.
Are you feeling the need to focus on safety?
If so, that doesn’t mean growth has to stop.
You can learn to be comfortable (safe) in your discomfort (growth).
Wait… what?
Vibrant Living Tip
Growth can require doing something you’ve never done before. Many times this can be uncomfortable.
Think of your vision. Is there a step that you can take, that you haven’t taken, that you know will move you in the direction of your vision? Move you forward? Now, look at your calendar. Pick a day and time that is open. Schedule that action step. On that day and time, I invite you to do it! Ah, that was easy...
Vibrant Living Take Away
Do something this week, you’ve never done before in the interest of growth. Every time you do, you will be learning to be comfortable in the discomfort.
Until next time...
Dream Bravely.
Act Boldly.
Live Vibrantly!
Lynn Tranchell
P.S. This isn’t meant to be an advertisement for any type of religion or religious belief… I am a Licensed Unity Teacher and am doing the Lesson and Mediation on Sunday June 28, 2020 at 10am EST. The title is “Grief, Forgiveness and Awakening.” The content is what I teach and coach. I invite you to check it out at the Unity of Buffalo YouTube channel.