How do you start your day?

I’ve had a similar morning practice for over 20 years.

Before I even get out of bed, I find at least three things to feel grateful for.

I then read the Daily Word and meditate.

The Daily Word is a publication put out by Unity Worldwide Ministries. It has a word for the day, an affirmation, a couple paragraphs of explanation, and then a bible quote.

Last Saturday was Joy. My joy grows when I share it.

The bible verse from Ecclesiastes 9:7 – Go, eat your bread with enjoyment, and drink your wine with a merry heart; for God has long ago approved what you do.

That last part is what struck me.

Imagine how it feels to know that God has long ago approved what you do.

Whether you are religious or not. You can substitute another word for God. Keep the concept.

This caused me to step back and see things differently.

It changed my whole view of that day and everyday sense.

I am indeed on the right path.

How do you start your day?

Until Next Time…

Dream Bravely
Act Boldly
Live Vibrantly

#success #coach #vision #MorningPractice #action #goals #BetterResults #LessEffort

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