Have You Heard? Dreams Are Your Best Bet To Grow…

“Don't be pushed by your problems. Be led by your dreams.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson
If you know how to get to your dream, it’s not big enough. I always say – “Why waste a dream. If you are going to dream, dream big.”
Are you ready to dream big? How exactly do we get there, you may ask...
Vibrant Living Tip
The most important question you can ask yourself is – what would I love? Not what do I think I can do. Or what does the economy say I can do. What would I love. This puts us in a different place where we can see greater possibilities. Then you want to write it down in as much details as possible. Writing it down increases the chances of achieving it.
After we have that big dream, we want to let that dream lead us. What exactly does it mean to be led by our dreams. We want to be always looking for possibilities that support our dream. When we are focused on the problem, we are looking for the next shoe to drop, so to speak. We see more problems. It’s when we focus on the dream that we see those possibilities. The possibility to be, do and have more. It’s only when we stretch that we grow bigger, into our dreams.
Now that you have a dream ask - What one step would I take, if I knew I couldn’t fail? Got it?
Look at the one thing that you know will move you in the direction of your dream. Can you visualize it done. It all worked out.
Vibrant Living Take Away
What's next? Now that you have at least one thing, schedule it. Put it in your calendar. On that day and time, do it. Ah, how does that feel. How does it feel knowing you are one step closer to your dream.
Live Vibrantly!
Are you still wondering how to dream bigger, join me for my webinar… 3 Keys to Living Vibrantly & Creating a Life You Love!
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