Creation Begins With You!

When we were younger, we were very good at creating.
Putting on a new hat of possibility.
Imaging what life could be like.
We may have even created imaginary friends.
This may be a good time to go back to that childlike wonder.
Imagination without limits.
Instead of lamenting what will no longer be, I invite you to consider a new and better you.
What can you bring to the world? How can you support yourself, your family, and others.
What does the world really need right now.
Vibrant Living Tip
Spend some time this week in the quiet with a paper and pen. Ask yourself – What would I love? Write down everything that comes to you. Brainstorm without editing. Spend a good 30 minutes or more in the creative, expansive, imaginative state. Make sure you have at least 20 ideas.
Look over your list. What jumps out at you. Circle those.
Picture being that person. Then ask – if this is who I am, what would I be doing today, this week, this month. Again brainstorm without editing.
Pick the actions that give you electricity and do them. Schedule them. Action takes you one step closer to being.
Vibrant Living Take Away
These times are a great opportunity to try something new. Create something new. Be someone new.
Until next time...
Dream Bravely.
Act Boldly.
Live Vibrantly!
Lynn Tranchell
P.S. Need a little help with creating a new you? Click here to schedule a complimentary Discovery Session. I guarantee that you will have at least one thing that you can start doing right away!