I receive emails everyday with motivational quotes/stories. Today, I received 2 that talked about choice. This reminded me of the lyrics from the Rush song “Freewill.” At the time I first heard this song, it was a new concept to me. Choosing not to decide is a decision? Is a choice? I made a decision…
Read MoreThis week, I am trying something new… A message from the vault of sorts. As I get ready to attend a mastermind event with one of my mentors, Mary Morrissey, I decided to look over some previous messages. I found this one, not a blog post, an email about my New Years webinar. It mentions…
Read MoreDo you ever look back on something you did or said, in the past, and think – who was that? And then think… Wow. I’ve grown a lot. I know so much more now. It’s the most natural thing in the world to want to be, do, and have more. Ah, yet do we allow…
Read MoreI receive emails from different people everyday. People who inspire me. Who I learn something from. Today’s Darren Daily was called – “What Everybody Ought to Know About Technology.” Darren Hardy talks about going to a gorgeous art deco theater and to see a ballet. He is in the balcony so he can experience the…
Read MoreThere are times when we are our own worst enemy. We think it has to be a certain way and can’t seem to get out of our own way to find another solution. It reminds me of a story Price Pritchett tells, in the book You2, about a fly who keeps flying into a window…
Read MoreToday, in the US, it’s Independence Day. The day the Declaration of Independence was signed. The official commitment of the 13 Colonies to claim independence from British rule. Everyone who signed that document knew if the British won, they were signing their own death warrant. They signed it anyway. That’s how committed they were to…
Read MoreI attended my nephew’s high school graduation on Tuesday night. A celebration of the end of one chapter of life. 13 years of school. And the beginning of the next chapter. The ultimate What’s Next moment. I can remember when I graduated from high school. I had already been accepted at my favorite college. I…
Read MoreI invite you to close your eyes. Think of something that brings you great joy. How does that feel? Are you smiling? Take a kind glance at your typical day. How many times during the day do you feel that way? Are there times in your typical day that do not bring you joy? I…
Read MoreThis Sunday is Father’s Day here in the US. 111+ countries celebrate Father’s Day. My father has been gone a long time. 30 years, in fact. I still think of him and some of the things he taught me. He taught me to sail. This one is probably the most memorable and long lasting. I…
Read MoreI am participating in a 90 day challenge started by Darren Hardy. The object is to run/walk at least 1 mile everyday for 90 days. What a great way to exercise! I’ve been doing it for 4 days. On my walk today, it occurred to me… There are many ways to exercise. Physically. Mentally. Emotionally.…
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