There are several things you can do to create alternatives to increase your profits during this Summer of Success. Watch this to learn more… These are just 3 things you can do. Spend some time thinking about what you can do. Be creative. Contact me if you want to learn more. Until next time… Dream…
Read MoreDarren Hardy was the publisher of Success magazine. He says – “If you want to double your income, triple your investment in self-growth and self-development.” Many of us have to take continuing education classes to keep our certifications. I have to take classes to earn 5 credits every year to keep my teaching certification. And…
Read MoreThere are times when we just don’t feel like taking those steps we know we need to take. So we wait. What is waiting costing us? It’s costing us our confidence and more importantly our bottom line. Money. Every time we avoid doing something it gets harder. The longer we wait, the less likely we…
Read MoreWe’re continuing Professional Wellness Month with the concept of Harmony. People talk about work/life balance. Balance is really not possible. We are always ever balancing. Like a teeter totter. Harmony is possible. That is what we really want. There are three steps to creating harmony. Your Vibrant Living Tip… Focus. Decide what you are going…
Read MoreStudies have shown that taking time away from the job can have physical and mental health benefits. People who take time have lower stress, less risk of heart disease, a better outlook on life, and more motivation to achieve goals. As a business owners, we may say things like once I have 3 more clients then…
Read MoreEverything has a rhythm. Everything is moving to and fro, moving in and out and swinging back and forth. We have ups and downs in our life and business. The trick is to use them to our advantage. Your Vibrant Living Tip… Some of you may have obvious rhythms. For example, landscapers, teachers, snow removal.…
Read MoreHaving compassion for yourself and others affects your life, your relationships and your business. Compassion is defined as the ability to understand the emotional state of another person. Moreover, it encompasses understanding our own emotional state. As a result, compassion motivates us to help and support others-and ourselves. It inspires us to do what we can…
Read MoreToday I want to share a practice with you. My partners in believing use it on our Monday morning call. And I always start my coaching sessions with it. I invite clients to share a “gratitude” and “proud of.” I call it prouditude. I encourage each of them to consider one thing that they are…
Read MoreMay is Mental Health Awareness Month, so we will be moving from discussing the Laws of Success to how to best care for our mental health to ensure our continued success! I found this on Purdue University website about mental health awareness month. “The 2022 theme – “Back to Basics” – provides foundational knowledge about…
Read MoreRaymond Holliwell defines success as “The way we learn to use two valuable things — our time and our thought.” How are you spending time? Listen to this to learn a bit about time and success… We are born to be rich and successful. Every one of us has been given a complete set of…
Read MoreSign up for an Income Acceleration Call
A complimentary 60 minute session to discover how to increase your income with less stress.