Become An Agent Of Change

I am participating in the 21-day mediation from Oprah and Deepak Chopra called “Creating Peace from the Inside Out.”
Today’s mediation was about improving relationships.
It says – “If we want to improve our relationships, we must start by being an agent of change ourselves.”
This is a perfect time to improve our relationships. Holidays are a time for being with people. Friends and family. Interacting with others in the world.
Deepak says that personal change begins on 3 levels. These go right along with what I teach. I couldn’t have said it better myself.
Vibrant Living Tip
Here are Deepak’s 3 levels of change (with a few words added by me):
- What you believe – based on vision. A vision that inspires and uplifts. Then trust it. Believe it. Be it.
- What you say – communication. Before you speak ask: Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary? Speak with love and compassion.
- What you do – act with awareness and understanding. Take full responsibility for your actions and how they impact others. Apologize, if need be. And always be grateful.
Vibrant Living Take Away
As we move through the holiday season, let’s be a change agent in our relationships. And let it extend out to the world.
Until next time...
Dream Bravely.
Act Boldly.
Live Vibrantly!
Lynn Tranchell
P.S. Do you wish things could be better? I would love to talk to you about your wishes and vision. Click here to schedule time for us to talk.
good one