Baby Steps Will Take You To The Top Of Mount Everest

Overnight success is rarely overnight.
And it’s never without action of some kind.
A positive mindset will help you see the possibilities of what you want to accomplish. Your vision.
Once you see the possibilities, you can decide on an action to take.
Vibrant Living Tip
We’ve all heard stories about overnight successes. An actress was “discovered.” An investment turned into millions.
Yet, if we look closer, we will see years of positivity and action.
It can be hard to stay positive when appearances seem otherwise. Your bank account. The weather. Politics. Your health.
Why not focus on your blessings. Gratitude.
I asked some of my clients to do this exercise this week.
“Write a gratitude list for everything you own, everything in your bank account, all the people in your life, for the ways God or the Universe is working, both seen and unseen. This may include gratitude for your work and the income you have, and also for the work and income that is coming into your life.”
I invite you to make a gratitude list. See how it changes your positivity.
Vibrant Living Take Away
What you focus on expands. Choose today where you will place your focus and take action from there.
Until next time...
Dream Bravely.
Act Boldly.
Live Vibrantly!
Lynn Tranchell
P.S. Your next most important positive action just might be a conversation with me. Click here to get on my schedule…