Are You Good At BS?

I know what you thinking…
Lynn, what do you mean?
You are always talking about staying positive.
Doing what you love.
Why would you want me to be good at BS?
Ah, my BS may not be your BS!
What is my BS, you may ask?
Be See.
OR... Be it 'til you See it!
The fastest way to bring about your goal, or dream or desire is to BECOME the person who is already living that life.
BE the person who has written the NYT bestseller.
BE the person who closed your dream deal.
BE the person who lives in Tuscany.
BE the person who is in that deep, meaningful, fun and adventurous relationship.
How does that person who is already living that life think? What does she wear? How does she act? What does she eat? Who does she hang out with? What kinds of conversations does she have? How does she spend her days?
When we do this, we become a vibrational match to the thing we desire, which magnetizes it to us. By BEing it, we actually draw that life to us.
Be it. See it 🙂
Vibrant Living Tip
I invite you to bring to mind a vision of one aspect of the life you would love living.
Memorize the feeling, sights, sounds, smells, and tastes of that aspect of your dream life.
Then I invite you to BE that person who is already living that life. Ask yourself... How does that person think? What does she wear? How do she act? What does she eat? Who does she hang out with? What kinds of conversations does she have? How does she spend her days?
Then ask yourself, what's one thing I can do TODAY to BE that person?
Take that action. Don’t let yourself off the hook here. Action is how you create the See.
Vibrant Living Take Away
Once you are able to Be it, you will be amazed at what you See.
Until next time... Live Vibrantly!
Lynn Tranchell
P.S. Are you ready to create your own BS? Click the button below to schedule a Vibrant Living Assessment and we can talk about how!
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