Don’t give others power over your sleep, appetite, blood pressure, health and happiness.
You may not control all the events that happen to you, but you can decide not to be reduced by them.
– Maya Angelou
This week we are continuing to explore Life Mastery with mastery in health.
What does health and well-being mean to you. What would you love with respect to your health. How would your life change if you lived from well-being.
Entering into a dialogue with your body is a very, very powerful opportunity to get in touch with your body and it’s messages. This is our temple and it is made of spirit. It is made of intelligence. It is programmed for perfection. Talk to your body. What does it say. What does it need from you.
At the same time, you want to move more and more toward an experience of well-being. One practice is choosing to be a difference-maker; choosing to bring good wherever we are. Be a person of increase.
Your subconscious mind has all the habits and all the patterns that may have gotten you to a place you don’t want to be with your body. Consciously you want to do one thing; subconsciously you are feeling another thing.
Here are someways to change that:
- Create your personal vision of radiant health and well-being. Make one new conscious choice for health and well-being each day.
- Nurture your body with loving thoughts twice a day. Enter into a deep feeling of gratitude for your body. Especially focus on those parts of your body that you have the hardest time loving.
See how your feeling of health and well-being changes after doing this for a week. Decide how you want to continue once you see the results.
My next webinar “New Years Resolutions Made Easy” is Sunday December 18th 7-8:15pm. Start the year exactly where you would love to be. If you can not attend, register and you will receive a link to the replay!
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