3 Tips About Empowerment You Can't Afford To Miss
“See yourself equal, see yourself worthy, see yourself out of debt, in your dream home, your deserved lifestyle and watch miracles happen. You have to see it, feel it - you have to play the game by doing it everyday." Hayley Hobson
Notice your thoughts. Notice how they make you feel. Are they empowering or disempowering. Do you feel better or worse. Do they cause you to want to do more or less.
The facts are just the facts. Find the most empowering way you can to tell the story. Then watch as things begin to change in more and more empowering ways.
Vibrant Living Tip – Do this every moment of every day and see how your life changes. 1) Notice your thoughts 2) How do you feel 3) How can you re-tell the story to be more empowering.
Having trouble doing this, sign-up for a Vibrant Living Assessment today! This is a complimentary conversation (valued at $250) with me where we look at where you are, where you would love to be and the next most important step to get you there. Get on my calendar today! https://www.lynntranchell.com/assessment
#lifelonglearner #vibrantlivingtip #womenaskingnowwhat #readyforachange #feelinglost #reclaimyourvibrancy #empowerment #justfacts #telladifferentstory
Live Vibrantly!