The 5 M’s to a Better Life – Mastery
"Start by doing what's necessary; then do what's possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible."
Francis of Assisi
I received the idea for this series of blog posts from one of my mentors, Mary Morrissey. She calls it the 4 M’s. I added Mastery. Because I see that as the end result of using the 4 M’s.
Mindset + Mentor + Mastermind + Momentum = Mastery
And finally, mastery.
Mastery may not happen immediately. As you use the 4 M’s more and more, it will just happen. Like magic. Things will happen “out of the blue.” People and resources will be there. You will have a rhythm to life that you didn’t think possible. You may still have moments of what may seem like bumps in the road. You will recognize them sooner and reframe and realign faster. And get back on the mastery track.
Mastery is my hope for you. And why I became a coach.
Vibrant Living Tip – Take a look back on the last 4 blogs. How are you doing consistently using these concepts. No judgment. Just notice. Make a decision to keep moving forward. Baby steps can take you anywhere you want to go. Keep taking the steps. If you find yourself off track, ask – what can I do… Listen. Trust. Act. Mastery is yours!
Are you ready for mastery? I will be starting a Life Mastery program in January. Sign-up for a complimentary Vibrant Living Assessment and we can talk about what that might look like for you. This link will take you right to my calendar where you can reserve time with me.
#lifelonglearner #vibrantlivingtip #womenaskingnowwhat #readyforachange #feelinglost #reclaimyourvibrancy #mastery #Ilovemylife #magic
Live Vibrantly!