The 5 M’s to a Better Life – Mentor
“A mentor is someone who allows you to see the hope inside yourself.”
Oprah Winfrey
Over the next 5 weeks, we will be talking about the 5 M’s to a better life. They are…
Mindset + Mentor + Mastermind + Momentum = Mastery
This week we will look at mentor.
I received the idea for this series of emails from one of my mentors, Mary Morrissey. She calls it the 4 M’s. I added Mastery. Because I see that as the end result of using the 4 M’s
A mentor provides support, inspiration, accountability, motivation, guidance. Someone who has been where you want to be and can reach a hand out and help pull you up. I am a mentor and I have a mentor.
A mentor can show you easy steps that you can take, that take you way further than you thought you could go. Help you manage fear, doubt and worry as you take the steps to unlock your potential. Encouragement is more important than most of us have any idea of.
We need people in our lives who can see what we can’t see, who can guide us around the roadblocks, and come alongside of us when the road gets rough. Someone who can be there when things get scary, or when we’re tempted to return to old, but more comfortable ways of being.
Without that kind of guidance and support, most of us just end up living the same version of our lives over and over again, year after year, regardless of our desires and good intentions.
You’ve heard it said, if nothing changes… nothing changes. And it’s true.
Vibrant Living Tip – Do you have a mentor? It could be someone you know and interact with in real life. Or it could be someone you study and learn from. This week find a mentor and ask for support. I would love to be your mentor.
I would love to be your mentor. Sign-up for a complimentary Vibrant Living Assessment. We will look at where you are, where you would love to be and the next most important step to get you there.
#lifelonglearner #vibrantlivingtip #womenaskingnowwhat #readyforachange #feelinglost #reclaimyourvibrancy #mentor #coach #support
Live Vibrantly!