The 5 M’s to a Better Life – Momentum

quote about momentum

“When you're that successful, things have a momentum, and at a certain point you can't really tell whether you have created the momentum or it's creating you.” - Annie Lennox

Over the 5 Fridays in December, we will be talking about the 5 M’s to a better life. They are…

Mindset + Mentor + Mastermind + Momentum = Mastery

This week we will look at momentum.

In order to have momentum, you have to be moving. Doing. Action is to reframing your paradigm as the ground wire is to electricity. Without it, nothing happens. There is just over a week left to 2017. Do you have the momentum to take 2018 by storm and make it your best year ever?

Having momentum will change the trajectory of your life. You want to find ways to keep the momentum going and growing over the next few weeks and months. Distraction and dissuasion are two ways your paradigm tries to break the momentum. Your paradigms are perfectly happy having you live the same year over and over. Your ego is comfortable and knows what to expect from you. Are you ready to change that and take to steps. Create the momentum. Be the person who is living the life of your dreams.

Vibrant Living Tip – Take a kind glance back onto 2017. Was it the best so far. Or was it pretty much the same as 2016. Just notice without judgment. What can you do between now an the end of the year to create momentum to spur you on to cross the 2017 finish line on a path to momentous action.

New Years Resolutions Made Easy
Discover the 3 main reasons New Years Resolutions fail and how to overcome them to create the momentum you need to make 2018 the best year of you life!
When: December 28, 2017 noon-1:15pm
Where: webinar

Lacking momentum? Sign-up for a complimentary Vibrant Living Assessment. We will look at where you are, where you would love to be and the next most important step to get you there.

#lifelonglearner #vibrantlivingtip #womenaskingnowwhat #readyforachange #feelinglost #reclaimyourvibrancy #momentum #action #finishline

Live Vibrantly!

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